Aggie Knowles is a big-town city chick; full of life, laughter, and dreams. Kind hearted, gorgeous and tempting, Aggie has it all, a private school education, the perfect home life, flash cars…and she has money thanks to her father’s keen eye for investments.
Unfortunately, not every investment is a good investment and in a financially unstable world, where anything can go wrong, Aggie finds it hard to stay afloat when her whole world comes crashing down.
With her family home, cars, and her personal trust fund gone, her father decides that the best thing for Aggie to do is to get out of the city for a little R&R at the family homestead in the outback Queensland town of Flindersville. Aggie hasn’t seen her father’s family in years, and she isn’t sure how friendly the welcome home party will be, considering her mother’s recent actions. However, from the very moment she steps off the bus, she’s greeted with the big smiles and outback charms of Uncle Scott and her cousins, Mason and Johnny.
Her family is exactly how she remembers them to be, charming and cheeky, but their warm embrace and greetings aren’t the only things that have caught her a little off guard; it’s the tall, dark and very handsome man wearing an Akubra hat, flannelette shirt, tight jeans and a goofy grin, while trying to steal her luggage, that has her body in a fluster.
With country charms, cheeky grins and smooth moves, a former bad boy trying to reform his ways, Tyler is ultimately gobsmacked the instant Aggie steps off the bus and back into his life.